The second trailer of Citadel has now been released. Which showcases Priyanka in the power-packed action Avatar. So get ready to entertain yourself with the first season that will premiere on Amazon Prime Video on April 28, 2023, with the first two episodes. Recently the actress shared a glimpse of the same in which she was seen in a red-hot spy avatar. And what has drawn more attention is her acting sequel which is the icing on the cake. By looking at the trailer one can easily speculate that the film will be interesting.
Taking to her Instagram handle the actress shared the trailer with her fans and captioned the post “There’s more to it than meets the eye… So watch closely! Citadel will appear on your radar on 28th April! #CitadelOnPrime #April28 #SaveTheDate.” The trailer was released on 30th March. And the film will come soon in more than 240 countries worldwide.
About Citadel
The action-packed Citadel comes in six-episode series directed by Anthony Russo and Joe Russo, it is an action-packed television series that features Stanley Tucci, Priyanka Chopra, and Richard Madden among others in the lead roles. Citadel will also have the Indian installment whose star cast will be Varun Dhawan and Samantha Ruth Prabhu will be the lead actors.